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ThruThink® is a cloud-based business analysis platform that guides the User in building professional forecasts and financial plans for a business or deal.

Check out the Features:

With a good system setup, standard accounting practices can do a great job of telling the story of the where the business has been and where it is currently. Standard accounting and financial statements, however, do not necessarily show where the business is headed. In the process of structuring deals we were having to make custom projections for each deal and saw the need for a standard platform that accurately laid out the plan for the future. We wanted to create a product that others could use without having to put in the hundreds of hours and years of expertise that it takes to do a custom plan. The plan must be detailed enough to tell the story correctly, but not be so detailed that the reader loses patience. The plan must tie out directly to the Company's history and existing assets and liabilities to be credible. After hundreds of versions, the ThruThink® platform was created to meet these issues.

           ThruThink® represents the missing piece; the data driven forecast, to complete the story of the business's past, present and future.

Get the missing piece for a quick dynamic evaluation of a business deal.

For only $99, enter a project and get an e-mail with all the reports, check it out, it's pretty simple!

This will not include the e-mail reports 

Spend some time with ThruThink® and you will learn something about your business or deal, we guarantee it.  We have over thirty years of experience to back it up!

Check out the 6/1/18 U.S. Treasury Interest Rate Yield Curve and other interesting business topics in our Member Page

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This is what ThruThink® is all about...
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, "about one half of all establishments survive five years or longer", which means approximately 1/2 will fail in the first five years.
The most obvious reason for business failure is running out of cash; however, this is not a reason but a symptom.
Often, the real reason for business failure (and the most correctable one), is not understanding the numbers.

To understand your numbers


     build a professional plan for your Company

For everyone who owns or operates a business

ThruThink® organizes and lays the information out in an easy to understand format.

Along with your bankers, accountants and investors; you will be impressed with all the information ThruThink® provides! 

It's a cloud based service so there is no software to download and it's easy to sign up.

Still not convinced?


We offer solutions for:

Small Business
Medium to Large Corporations
Equity Investment
Advisory / CPA
University / Classroom
Restaurant Chain
Real Estate Investment
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